XML Definition File

The formal Document Type Definiton of the XML is given in the section below.

Minimal example

An XML file for a simple deployment of a weather station is shown below.

  • To produce output, an XML Definition File must contain the root measurements element and at least one map element inside a parent a group element.
  • Each group element must have a name attribute. The name attribute may be an empty string (i.e., name="").
  • In the example below, a global from attribute is specified (optional) to limit data output to the time after all sensors were in place and connected to the logger.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<measurements from="2015/05/03 11:45">
    <group name="Logger">
        <map name="Battery Voltage" unit="V" src="Batt_V" />
        <map name="Internal Temperature" unit="°C" src="T_panel" />
    <group name="Weather">
        <map name="Air Temperature" unit="°C" src="T_air" />
        <map name="Relative Humidity" unit="%" src="RH" />
        <map name="Wind Speed" unit="m/s" src="Wind_speed" />
        <map name="Wind Direction" unit="°" src="Wind_direction" />

Example containing all elements and attributes

Here is a hypothetical example using all defined elements and attributes in some form.

  • Note in particular that each element may contain time validity attributes from, unitl, except-from and except-until.
  • If any element uses an until or except-until attribute then attribute until-limit must be set to one of inclusive or exclusive in the measurement element. The default value is disallowed to avoid ambiguity in intent.
  • The sole purpose of set elements is to propagate time validity attributes to their children.
  • The actual valid time of an output variable is the period that is not excluded by time validity attributes of itself and all parent elements combined.
  • Time limitation is applied to the result of a map or def element rather than the input specified in the src attribute. See case below for an example where this is significant.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- "measurements" is the root element -->
<measurements name="Campaign" from="2014/09/01 12:00" until="2015/03/07 17:00" until-limit="inclusive" /> <!-- "measurements" is mandatory -->
    <!-- we may choose to enclose several "group" elements
         in a "set" if they share time validity attributes -->
    <set from="2014/10/01" comment="'comment' values are ignored"> <!-- "set" is optional -->
        <!-- data are placed together in
             "group"s that share a common title -->
        <group name="Weather"> <!-- "group" is mandatory, "name" attribute must be specified -->
            <!-- within a "group" several data fields
                 may be enclosed as a "set" if they
                 share time validity attributes -->
            <set except-from="2015/01/30 04:00" exept-until="2015/02/01 08:00"> <!-- "set" is optional -->
                <!-- actual variable output is defined by
                     "map" elements. -->
                <map name="Air Temperature" unit="K" is="T_C+273.15" />
                <!-- functions or constants are defined
                     in "def" elements if they do not
                     produce output. "Name" and "unit" attributes
                     are ignored.
                     The special variable "SRC" (all upper case)
                     refers to the source variable specified in
                     the "src" attribute of the current "map" or
                     "def" element. -->
                <def var="T_C" is="(SRC-32)*5/9." src="T_air_in_F" />
                <!-- note that the order of variable definition
                     is irrelevant, i.e. the preceeding "map" element
                     refers to variable "T_C" defined later. -->

Example with function definition

  • Functions are defined in <def   /> elements. The function signature and function expression are placed in the value of the var and is attribute, respectively.
  • The expression in the is attribute value must be a valid Python expression.
  • Due to the use of the asteval library, lambda expressions are not allowed.
  • Global variables take precendent over local variables (may change in future versions). Recommendation: do not use function parameters that coincide with names defined through var attributes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <group name="Weather">
        <map name="Air Temperature" unit="°C" var="T_C" src="T_air_C" />
        <map name="Air Temperature" unit="°F" is="C_to_F(T_C)" />
        <map name="Soil Temperature" unit="°C" var="T_soil" src="T_soil_C" />
        <map name="Water Temperature" unit="°C" var="T_water" src="T_water_C" />
        <def var="difference(T1, T2)" is="abs(T1-T2)" /> <!-- a rather unusual place for this definition -->
    <group name="Processed Weather">
        <map name="Relative Air Temperature" unit="°C" is="relative_T(T_air)" />
        <map name="Relative Soil Temperature" unit="°C" is="relative_T(T_soil)" />
        <map name="Absolute Soil-Air Temperature Difference" unit="°C" is="difference(T_C, T_soil)" />
    <group name="function definitions">
        <def var="C_to_F(T_degC)" is="T_degC*9/5+32" />
        <def var="relative_T(T_base)" is="T_base-T_water" />

In this example, the global variable names T_C, T_water, and T_soil should not be used as function parameters (T_degC, T_base, T1, T2). However, they can be used as global variables in the function body.


Function definitions may be placed throughout the document in any order.

Example of in-situ calibration

In this example, a zero-point calibration is performed on a sensor based on the average reading shortly after deployment.

This is an example where it matters that time limitation is applied to the result of a calculation: a def element

<def val="p_1_offset" is="mean(SRC)" src="p_1" from="2015/01/01" until="2015/01/02" />

does not work as intended because mean() is calculated over the entire time series of p_1 (unless constraint by parents) while the output is time limited to the period from from until until. Instead, we have to split the offset definition into two expressions:

<def val="p_1_masked" src="p_1" from="2015/01/01" until="2015/01/02" />
<def val="p_1_offset" is="mean(p_1_masked)" />

Complete example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<measurements from="2015/05/03 11:45" until-limit="inclusive">
    <group name="Logger">
        <map name="Battery Voltage" unit="V" src="Batt_V" />
        <map name="Internal Temperature" unit="°C" src="T_panel" />
    <group name="Load">
        <map name="Average" unit="kPa" is="0.5*(P1+P2)" />
        <map name="Sensor 1" unit="kPa" var="P1" is="SRC-p_1_offset" src="p_1" />
        <map name="Sensor 2" unit="kPa" var="P2" is="SRC-mean(p_2_masked)" src="p_2" />
    <group name="zero-point definitions" >
        <!-- "group" does not produce output because it
             contains no "map" elements -->
        <set from="2015/05/03 11:45" until="2015/05/03 12:45">
            <def val="p_1_masked" src="p_1" />
            <def val="p_2_masked" src="p_2" />
        <def val="p_1_offset" is="mean(p_1_masked)" />

Document Type Definition

The formal Document Type Definition (DTD) of the XML Definition File is:

<!ELEMENT measurements ((set|group)*)>
<!ELEMENT set ((set|group|map|def)*)>
<!ELEMENT group ((set|map|def)*)>
<!ENTITY % may-have-name "name CDATA #IMPLIED">
<!ENTITY % must-have-name "name CDATA #REQUIRED">
<!ENTITY % until-mode "until-limit CDATA #IMPLIED">
<!ENTITY % inheritable "from CDATA #IMPLIED until CDATA #IMPLIED except-from CDATA #IMPLIED except-until CDATA #IMPLIED">
<!ENTITY % common "%inheritable; comment CDATA #IMPLIED">
<!ATTLIST measurements %may-have-name; %until-mode; %common;>
<!ATTLIST group %must-have-name; %common;>
<!ATTLIST set %may-have-name; %common;>
<!ATTLIST map %must-have-name; %definition; %common;>
<!ATTLIST def %may-have-name; %definition; %common;>

Note that the DTD is more permissive than the XML interpreter:

  • each map element has to be decendent of a group element, either directly or indirectly.
  • an until-limit attribute is required in the measurements element if any element in the document uses an until or except-until attribute.

Functions Exported

The following functions and constants are available in the evaluation environment of the values of the is attribute.

Functions from numpy:

  • ln(), log10(), exp()
  • fabs(), abs(): abs() is an alias for numpy.fabs()
  • sign()
  • sin(), cos(), tan(), arctan(), arctan2()
  • mean(), sum(), min(), max() (each function mapping to the corresponding function numpy.nanmin() etc)
  • round(), isnan()
  • where(), len(): functions emulating numpy behavior

Convenience functions:

  • merge(vector1, vector2): returns numpy.where(vector1==vector1, vector1, vector2)
  • replace_value_with_NaN(vector, value): returns vector[vector==value]=NaN
  • replace_time_with_NaN(vector, list_of_time_strings): returns vector with values recorded at the specified times replaced by NaN. Example: is="replace_time_with_NaN(T1, ['2015/03/01 11:00','2015/03/01 11:05'])
  • in_date_range(start,end): returns vector with True for all times between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).

Also defined:

  • None: evaluates to Python value None
  • PI: evaluates to pi
  • NaN: evaluates to float('nan')
  • float(): evaluates Python function float()


  • remove_spikes(vector): heuristic function used to remove outliers. Implementation of this function is subject to change.